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eCourt in Australia

An On-Line Court
for Non-Criminal Dispute settlement
which delivers an exceptional client experience

    About e-Court.AU

Do you want to solve a common/civic law dispute ? Then consider e-Court AU for personalized, transparent, speedy, professional, and above all inexpensive "on demand" justice.

We serve AU Individuals/Families, Companies, Governments and the Legal Community in a secure internet environment with 24/7 support from Professional Arbitrators & Judges, Legal Advisors, Court Clerks, Member Coordinators, Finance and Administrators. All paid memberships obtain their own individualized Member Panel.


Contrary and despite opposition by some legal practitioners with vested interests in outdated traditional services, e-Court pursues a concept which embraces the new technologies.

The underlying idea is to provide online, safe, timely, inexpensive professional arbitration for almost any conflict situation.

No wonder that e-Court continuously receives endorsements throughout Australia & New Zealand. read more

Safe and Secure

Access important client and case information, respond to requests & queries in real time, safely and securely.

e-Court has taken all measures to safeguard information. The website is heavily protected like internet banking with leading banking institutions. View "daily updated" security certificate. Furthermore, access to your member panel is linked to your own "unique" IP address.

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Easy to Use

See every appointment, task, meeting, and deadline at once. Share your appointments & tasks with your legal counsel, and know what you need to do and where you need to be.

e-Court is extremely flexible because the individual or company can start a case using e-Court with/without the assistance of a legal professional. In many situations the claimant and/or defendant wish to obtain justice without expenses from legal counsel.

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Instant Search

Interested who is a member of e-Court in your immediate area or in the country ?
Or, want to select a legal professional to represent you or want to select an arbitrator ? No problem, our search programs are speedy and informative.

Can not remember that case number? Need information for your client who is on hold? No problem. Just type in any word or phrase and e-Court will find what you need

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Meet "some" of our Judges & Arbitrators

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Judge & Arbitrator

W.J : Associate in labor section of large firm known for its labor practice; litigation of numerous cases in federal and provincial courts; numerous jury trials; numerous administrative law judge trials; adjunct professor of labor law at UBC Law School; law firm employment department manager; in CDA Labor and Employment Section Employment Rights and Responsibilities Committee served as management co-chair of subcommittees on covenants not to compete, ethics, and trial advocacy, program co-chair, and chair-elect.



Judge & Arbitrator

Assistant District Attorney. Then to private practice as an associate, specializing in commercial litigation; then on to a partnership in another firm specializing in litigation in general, and construction litigation in particular. Then, F.H approached to run for the Court of Appeals and, after some thought, decided to run. F.H won and have been here since. F.H motto: "If you love the law, you will want to reason well. And if you reason well, it will show. If it shows, and you let it be known that you want to be a judge, pretty soon your name will come up in discussions when openings occur. That's pretty much what happened to me."



Judge & Arbitrator

S.A provides ethics and risk management advice to lawyers, as well as serve as an expert witness on professional responsibility and fee issues. Prior to starting her own firm, she was the Director of Lawyer Ethics in B.C for ten years. She frequently speaks throughout the country on professional responsibility, law firm risk management, and professionalism topics. She is a member of the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism and a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. Prior to starting her ethics career, she was an intellectual property associate with Morgans in Toronto, from 1987 to 1991.



Judge & Arbitrator

B.G Law firm practice since graduation from law school. B.G expertise : Product liability is a challenging practice area because it involves technical details, which are unique to each case and each product. B.G believes: "Litigation is inherently challenging. Helping clients find solutions to their business disputes is an even bigger challenge. Franchise law is interesting because practitioners often handle complex legal issues while working with familiar businesses that we encounter in our everyday lives"

What to expect

e-Court provides "Uniform Litigation" throughout the United States


e-Court is extremely flexible because the user can start an e-Court case with/without the assistance of a legal professional. In many situations the claimant and/or defendant feel they wish to avoid legal expenses and obtain justice without expenses from legal counsel.

Others may feel they do not have the ability nor time to settle a case without legal professional assistance. In this case, our Service desk can, if needed, refer you/your organization to a Lawyer, Barrister, Solicitor or Attorney registered with e-Court. Just send an email via info@e-court.au Alternative, we suggest you view representation. When choosing your own legal professional just ensure your counsel registers with e-Court.

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e-Court provides competent, affordable, transparent, secure and speedy justice for everyone. Benefits :

* e-Court is quick, easy and affordable
* use of legal counsel is not a must !
* qualified e-Court professionals available
* decisions by an expert & impartial judge
* transparent justice for everyone
* a uniform litigation system
* standard procedure takes just six weeks
* appeal procedure takes just two weeks
* confidential & secure
* e-court membership around the world
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Scope of Legal Areas

e-Court handles most civil disputes common to Individuals and medium size & small businesses in accordance with either the common-law and/or the civil-law traditions in Australia. e-Court will not consider bankruptcy law, criminal matters, fiscal and administrative matters.

Is the area relative to your situation not mentioned under scope? Then please send us an email via email. read more

Meet the "Directorate"

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Member of the Directorate

J.B earned a university degree in 1965 from the University of Michigan. J.B was in the Appellate Litigation Clinic at the University Law Center, and twice was able to argue cases before the Court of Appeals. J.B found the experience so interesting that he wished to continue in the appellate area. Thereafter J.B went to Richards L & H in NewYork, in 1976. While J.B started out in commercial Law, he soon became involved in Labor and Employment Law, and stayed in that area primarily until the early 1990s when, because of the many bankruptcy cases being filed in Michigan, J.B took over the bankruptcy group at L & H. J.B continued practicing in that area.



Member of the Directorate

Law firm practice since graduation from law school. B.G expertise : Product liability is a challenging practice area because it involves technical details, which are unique to each case and each product. B.G believes: "Litigation is inherently challenging. Helping clients find solutions to their business disputes is an even bigger challenge. Franchise law is interesting because practitioners often handle complex legal issues while working with familiar businesses that we encounter in our everyday lives".



Member of the Directorate

P.B practices in the areas of labor and employment law and general business litigation. His litigation practice includes representing management in cases involving discrimination, workplace harassment, wrongful discharge, employment contract disputes, wage payment and overtime issues, and labor disputes before state and federal courts, nationwide. P.B also handles claims before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Department of Labor, and other administrative agencies. As a complement to his litigation practice, P.B also advises clients on human resource issues position.



Member of the Directorate

H.A received graduate and undergraduate degrees in The Netherlands and Canada (McGill). Worked in several countries such as the UK, the Netherlands and Canada. His field of specialization covers finance, administration and the media. H.A invites you to join him at LinkedIn


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Lorem Ipsum

Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident

Dolor Sitema

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat tarad limino ata

Sed ut perspiciatis

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Magni Dolores

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Nemo Enim

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque

Eiusmod Tempor

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi

Data Privacy & Security

How AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ and its subsidiaries honor Privacy Rights & Security ?

Most data privacy laws require transparency about how a company collects information and how that information will be treated. AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ provides privacy notices to all individuals who share their personal data with the company.

These privacy notices include a plain language explanation of how the company uses data, what rights data subjects have related to their data, and how to exercise rights. AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ has taken all measures to safeguard information.

The website is heavily protected like internet banking with leading bank institutions. Our operations are secured by 256-bit SSL, the highest security in the industry. Furthermore, our servers are protected by Two Factor Autentication (TFA) and Imunify. The security of the site remains constant in our attention.

What is data privacy ?

Data privacy refers to the right of an individual to have control over how their personal information is collected and used. Many countries around the world have enacted laws that protect the privacy of their residents. These global data privacy laws, including the EU’s GDPR Protection Regulation (GDPR), establish rules for the purpose of increasing the control individuals have over their digital data.

What data is protected ?

Personal data – also known in various countries as personal information or personally identifiable information (PII) – is any information that, alone or taken together, relates to an identified or identifiable individual. This definition is broad and includes not only names and addresses, but national ID numbers, biometric information such as fingerprints, salary, and geolocation information.

Where we operate

We are creating a world where technology is no longer a barrier to building a successful business online

( Click image for Australia & Global Contacts )


Ever heard the phrase that happy customers are your biggest advocates ?

AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ has helped to simplify the operations of our organization and is very user-friendly. We are also very satisfied with the relationship our company has with AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ and have found their entire team to be supportive and friendly. What a joy it is to offer our employees a venue to settle future labour conflicts, if they arise".

Frederic Hansen

Ceo & Founder

We certainly wish to 'embrace' the internet, but always wondered in the past how to do this. We are thankful to become associated". Cheers to AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ !

John MacNab


'Good Heavens' AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ is just what the doctor ordered. I have looked for years to find an alternative to my costly lawyer's fees until a friend alerted me about AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ . I never thought searching files and getting timely alerts on case and appointments could be this easy. This is a must for every body. AFFORDABLE.LAW ℠ certainly offers speedy solutions with prior knowledge of expense and duration".

Jim McIntyre

Medical Professional

Contact Us


Sydney, NSW, Australia


+1 6137618625